Graham & Gryder : 1 month old | 10.11.13 {Kingsport TN Newborn Photography}

These two cuties are identical twins! I am not going to lie, pictures with TWO newborns was more challenging than I anticipated ... and that was with them being SUPER cooperative! I was truly shocked at their easy-going demeanors. I just underestimated the amount of feeding, peeing and pooping that happens with two 5 week olds. Graham is the "older" twin and sports a sweet little green "big brother" anklet to help mom and dad identify who is who. Individually they were awesome, but pics with them together were hard to come by (due to the aforementioned eating/peeing/pooping). "We" were finally able to get them both full, and they cuddled up in the little basket and went to sleep. It seriously was the most precious thing I have ever seen! We didn't want to move them. Nancy (the twins' mom) said that it was the best they had slept since they were born! All I could think was , "bless her heart". Reluctantly we removed them from the basket and tried to get the precious naked baby pics that ever mother desires ... 2 naked babies was only going to make them more adorable. But ... you guessed it ... more pee/poop. We ran out of time, but I think we still got some really sweet pictures of both boys.

Stuart : 2nd Birthday | 9.13.13 {Kingsport TN Birthday Photography}

I absolutely adore this sweet family.  Their birthday parties remind me of my own growing up ... at home with  LOTS of family, lots of love and laughter, and lots of yummy food.  The main course this year was spaghetti with homemade meatballs.  
Little Stuart is so stinkin' CUTE!  He has developed quite the fascination with motorcycles over the last year, and according to mom Sunnie would watch the movie UP every hour that he is awake.  Thanks for including me in your special day!

Kindergarten Mini Sessions | 9.6.13 {Kingsport TN Children Photography}

I still have a hard time believing that I have a kindergartener ... I mean how did the past 5 years go by that fast??  I wanted to document this milestone in my little guy's life ... freeze time for a moment before he entered the big world of elementary school.  The two of us went out one afternoon back in the summer to get some shots of just him, and to be honest I wasn't overly pleased with what I captured.  The first place we went ... the place I had been DYING to take him ... the place I just KNEW would be awesome ... wasn't.  I didn't get the images with the awesome red barn in the background I had envisioned, and frankly,  I was frustrated.  I reluctantly loaded up the old school desk I have been holding onto for years for this very event and decided to head somewhere different.  Without a plan we ended up at the local park.  I grabbed the suitcases to get some poses that would illustrate the start of his educational "journey".  They were ok, but still not my favorites.  Before we left we got to talking (I don't even remember now about what) ... but whatever it was, it was funny.  We laughed ... laughed until we cried.  The images I got during that 3 minutes were some of my favorites EVER taken of my first born.  I look at these images and I can HEAR his infectious giggle.  

Weston : 18 months old | 9.6.13 {Kingsport TN Children Photography}

It is hard to believe this is the same little guy who was completely uninterested in taking his 1 year pictures just 6 months ago.  We traveled to Steele Creek Park for this session ... my first time ever going ... and it was lovely!  Weston's older sister Addison's 18 month pictures were taken at the same place, so their mom Tiffany knew before Weston was even born that she wanted to do the same for him.  He is still VERY much a boy on the move, but was much more generous with his precious smiles this time around.  Narrowing down shots from his impromptu dance party on the amphitheater stage was nearly impossible!

Andrew : 5th Birthday | 9.1.13 {Kingsport TN Birthday Photography}

September 1st in Denton NC was HOT!  This was the day we celebrated Andrew's 5th birthday with all things racecar, giant Jenga and an inflatable.  The heat didn't seem to slow down the kids a bit (although a few looked as though they had just run through a sprinkler).  I loved the way Andrew's mom Jennifer carried the race car theme to the food .. chocolate doughnut "spare tires", chocolate/sprinkle covered pretzel "dipsticks", "crew chief" chicken nuggets and "motor oil" to drink.

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