It is time for New Year's Resolutions....

A YEAR!  It has been nearly an entire YEAR since I posted here.  I remember posting Rylee's 6 month session like it was yesterday.  I remember realizing back in July, when I was taking her one year pictures, that I hadn't posted anything since her last session.  I told myself then it was time to catch-up.  I put a post-it note on my computer with the words "Update Website."  Here we are another 6 months later and still no posts.

So where have I been??  I can assure you I have still been taking pictures.  I actually have 30 unposted sessions.  Babies, birthdays, families, a wedding and even a proposal.  I have kept my LIFEshots Facebook page much more up-to-date, but have neglected the website.  Once I missed a few it snowballed.  I don't want to just skip over sessions ... start fresh and just do better going forward.  I DESPERATELY want to have all of the sessions I have photographed documented in one place.  Not just for the clients, who I treasure so much, to have their images shared with others, but for me.  As a self taught photographer I am constantly growing.  Constantly learning.  It makes me cringe sometimes to look back at those early sessions from 4 years and 2 camera bodies ago, but it also helps me realize how far I have come.

Aside from the 30 unposted sessions, I have been insanely busy living life as a SAHM to my 3 kiddos.  ALL of which will celebrate a birthday over the next 7 weeks ... 7, 5 and 3!  When we found out we were expecting for the 3rd time (with a 1 and 3 year old), I remember talks on the couch with my husband after the kids went to bed.  Discussions of what life would look like when the tiny life inside of me was the age of our oldest then.  We had no IDEA what parenting semi-selfsufficient children looked like.  Fast forward and we are here.  All of those late night talks, dreams of what life would be like, are now our reality.  Life with 3 small kids is demanding. Exhausting. Exciting. Rewarding. Challenging. The list could go on and on.  But the thing I am coming to realize more and more is that life with 3 small kids is ... FLEETING.  I have taken fewer pictures of my own children this past year than ever before.  I have made a point to go out a few times and take some planned pictures of them together, but have fallen very short on our day-to-day life.  Thankfully my iPhone has sufficed somewhat in documenting our year.

So ... on this eve of 2015 ... I am making a few resolutions.  Aside from the typical "make healthier food choices and exercise more to lose weight", what I really want more than anything is to get back to LOVING photography.  To get back to photographing my kids just being kids, while I still have them home with me.  I am beyond excited to be a part of a year long photography project organized by my wonderful friend Carey, with Images By Carey Pace.  She is a master of lifestyle photography.  The Ordinary Everyday Project 52 will have us focus on weekly themes and photographing our families, telling our stories and documenting the little moments in life that would otherwise be long forgotten.  I have a feeling some of my favorite images of my children will be taken this year.  That thought alone gets me excited.

On a more professional note, I resolve to get caught up and keep the website up-to-date.  It will take a while to get there, but by the close of 2015 my goal is to have no backlogged, unposted sessions.  Fingers crossed.

In the meantime ... I leave you with a few recent pictures of my sweet babies.  The color ones are some of those "planned" pictures I mentioned earlier and were taken in early October.  The black&whites are some I took yesterday just because, and goodness can I just tell you how nice that felt.

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